Sermons #2

Words of the Righteous

Wednesday November 2, 2016

Proverbs - Words of The Righteous

Proverbs 10:11

Righteous (righteousness, righteously) mentioned 84x in Proberbs (righteous 60x)

Be The Movement

Matt Beemer shows us God's hand moving through the middle east through all the missions work that is happening. He ministers to us God's dream for this world. What's God's dream for this world?

By the end of this message you'll know!

Wisdom - The Wise Man

Wednesday October 19, 2016

In this Wednesday night session Pastor Sheila ministers to us about the "wise man"


Faithfulness is showing constant support or loyalty, True to one's Word. Steady in allegiance, or doing what you're supposed to do.

Purpose of Proverbs

Pastor John decribes the book of Proberbs like a toolbox with never-before-used tools. We need to maximize our use of The Word Of God and use every tool God has given us. How do we do that effectivly? We need to read it!!!!

Rev. Hockaday & Rev. Morris

September 25 - 29 2016 we are blessed to have Rev. Jim Hockaday and Rev. Joe Morris with us. This series is full of God's anointing and is a must hear for everyone that wants to grow closer to our Father God. With 9 services packed with God's Word and power your sure to leave being encouraged and wanting more!!!
