What to Expect
At Grace Family Church you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From the moment you walk up to the building you are "Welcomed Home"
How long are your services?
Sunday, 1st Service: 8:30am to 9:30am
Sunday, 2nd Service: 10:00am to 11:00am
Sunday, 3rd Service: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Wednesday Nights: 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Thursday Healing School: 1pm
What will I find when I arrive?
Once you have parked your car, you will walk into our building and see the smiling faces of our greeting team ready to meet you and help you with you visit! We will be genuinely excited to meet you!
Will someone pray for a need I may have?
At the conclusion of every service, we have prayer teams available who will pray with you for any requests you may have.
Opportunities to be involved at GFC.
We have a multitude of ministries at GFC that you can be involved in. If you believe GFC is where the Lord would have you attend, become a member, roll your sleeves up and join us in doing your part to help change people’s lives through the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. To find out about just a few of the Ministries at GFC, click on the "Ministries" photo-link at the top of the page.
Do you have fellowship activities at GFC?
During the year, we offer a variety of things to do. A local church is like a family and it is fun and beneficial for a family to get together and have a good time. Food, games, athletic events, movies, interest clubs, etc. are just a few of the things we do.
How do I get to your church?
Click Here to visit our contact page. From here you can use google maps to bring you right to our door.
The Church Book Store
Before and after service, you can peruse our bookstore that has an incredible selection of books and CD’s that will help your spiritual growth. Please visit our “Welcome Center” which is staffed with volunteers who can answer your questions and assist you in finding rooms. They also have a gift for you as a First-Time Visitor, don't forget to check in with them!