2. Walking Tall

Oct 29, 2017

2. Walking Tall

Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Preacher: Pastors Barry & Sheila Ferdericks

Series: The Exchange - A Righteousness Series

Category: Righteousness


Walking Tall' Imagine someone who never did anything wrong, who just loved and helped others, dying for all of the sins and sicknesses that have ever been and ever will be. That Someone is Jesus Christ. On the cross at Calvary, the sinless Jesus became our sins and took upon Himself every foul sickness and disease. He suffered excruciatingly so that we would not have to. At the same time, Jesus gave us His right standing with God the Father. Our past is gone, we will never be condemned. Jesus' love did this and now we are free from condemnation to continue His ministry. The love of God!

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