Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Fay 64
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 64
March 5; Matthew 14:35; 14/260(IV); ‘Recognition’
Matthew 14:35 And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick,
Famous athletes, singers, Hollywood stars are recognized and people flock to them. Quite often and I cannot judge these people’s hearts, but I know they could never care about the welfare of those who recognized them like Jesus. I would much rather people recognized me for having the healing power of the Holy Spirit to help anyone who was sick. Imagine, seeing our Lord and instantly knowing if you are sick or infirmed, help had arrived. We are to continue the ministry of Jesus by becoming baptized in the Holy Spirit and receiving that same power to heal upon ourselves as Jesus ministered by. Once Jesus’ began His healing ministry, very quickly multitudes flocked to Him to be healed. The people recognized Jesus as the Healer. Remember, the exciting teaching of this verse is that Jesus was recognized as a Man who had the ability to heal. Jesus left His deity in heaven and ministered as a Man so that when He left this world after only three and one half years, we the church could continue the ministry Jesus began. Until the Lord was baptized in the Jordan River and the Holy Spirit came upon Him for power, the Lord Jesus did not minister. Once He was empowered by the Holy Spirit, His healing ministry began. The Bible clearly teaches that healing is part of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus on our behalf. If you are Spirit filled, have faith that the power of the Holy Spirit will flow out of you into someone in need of healing. How exciting to be a born again, Spirit filled Christian. Nothing better.