Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 98
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 98
April 8; Luke 4:40; 48/260(IV); ‘Laying on of Hands’
Luke 4:40 When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.
One of the healing methods taught in the Bible is laying on of hands. When hands are laid upon a person in need of healing, the healing anointing of the person laying on hands is transferred into the person in need of healing. Laying on of hands was used as a means of transferring many things in the Bible. When Moses was told by the Lord that he was going to die, Moses laid hands on Joshua and transferred the anointing to lead the people of Israel onto Joshua. The High Priest would lay his hands upon the head of a goat, called the ‘scape goat,’ and transfer the sins of the Jewish people onto the goat. Israel (Jacob) laid his hands on Joseph’s sons and transferred blessings upon them. Saul (Paul) and Barnabas had hands laid upon them by other ministers, commissioning them to begin the ministry they were called to fulfill. When the Lord Jesus sent out His disciples, one of the ways they healed the sick was by laying their hands upon them. When someone is in need of healing, the concept of the healing power of the person laying hands on the sick and transferring the power of God into the person in need of healing is an easy concept for the one in need of healing to understand. Many times the person laying hands on the sick will feel the tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit upon them and sense when that anointing goes into the person in need of healing. But even if there are no ‘feelings,’ obedience to the Word of God will get the job done. All born again, Spirit filled Christians should lay hands on others to heal them.