Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 96
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 96
April 6; Luke 2:22; 46/260(IV); ‘They Presented Him’
Luke 2:22 Now when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord
The Word of God was given to us and it really is a ‘Love Letter.” God’s Word teaches us about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Word also teaches us how to live, so that we can live successful and blessed lives, full of everything the Lord created us to be and to enjoy. Using the Word as our Guide, we will always do well, when we read what it says and then do what it says. The Bible says nothing about infant baptism. This is a religious doctrine that is not scriptural. I do not say this to be mean spirited, but the more we live our lives in line with God’s Word, the better our life will be. First of all, there is nothing in the Bible about “original sin.” The Lord does not give ‘dead’ spirits, that is spirits that are separated from Him. God forbid that if a baby dies, the spirit of that child is immediately with the Lord. At a certain age, differing in children, based on maturity, they reach the ‘age of accountability,’ where they are old enough to know what sin is. At this point in their lives, they must understand what the Bible teaches about salvation and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Believers are water baptized when they are old enough to understand sin and its ramifications. They are aware that being placed under the water, identifies us with Jesus’ death for our sins and when we are raised out of the water we identify with the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Biblically, just as Jesus was presented to the Lord as an infant, Christian parents dedicate their child to Him.