Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 92
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 92;
Mark 14:11; 42/260(IV); ‘Judas & The Chief Priests’
Mark 14:11 And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. So he sought how he might conveniently betray Him.
What an awful story this is. Judas was one of the twelve trusted disciples of Jesus. He went everywhere with Jesus and it seems he shared the Word of God and laid hands on the sick with the rest of Jesus’ disciples. Verse 10 tells us that Judas went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them. Later, when Judas led the mob to Gethsemane to arrest Jesus, Judas called the Lord Rabbi and kissed Him (the sign for the mob to arrest Jesus). Judas never called Jesus Lord. Equally terrible was the determination of the religious leaders to kill Jesus. Their jealousy and hatred of the Son of God amazes me. They should have been so excited that the Messiah had come. Jesus proved who He was by what He taught, His authority over demonic spirits and His healing power. The chief priests and Pharisees were blinded by their determination to rid themselves of the Man who became more popular than they were and ministered as they could not. Verse 11 teaches that these hypocrites were glad when Judas came to betray Jesus and promised to give him money. People confuse Christianity and religion. Christianity is simply a relationship with God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Love, kindness and determination to help others find the source of life motivates Christians. Religion is motivated by endeavoring to keep a set of rules that bind a person rather than freeing that person. Religion is you trying to earn heaven by what you do. Christianity is simply accepting what Jesus did for us and loving Him for doing it.