Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 91
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 91
April 1; Mark 13:4; 41/260(IV); ‘Ask Jesus’
Mark 13:4 "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled?"
Jesus and His disciples were leaving the temple. The disciples were impressed by the beautiful buildings. Jesus then begins to tell His disciples about the destruction of the temple and future, end time events. Notice that it is Jesus who knows everything that will happen, not the devil and not alarmists who have the world being destroyed any number of ways. Jesus Christ is God. There is no time for Him in the sense that since He is God, He knows everything that happened, is happening now and will happen in the future. The rapture of the Church is the first end time event, that will signal the beginning of the final chapter of this world as we know it. The tribulation begins right after the rapture, as the Lord will begin to deal with the unbelieving Jews and humanity that have to this point rejected Jesus. The Lord always got His people out before judgment fell. Noah and his family were in the flood. Lot and his daughters in Sodom and Gomorrah. After the tribulation, the ‘battle’ of Armageddon will occur when Jesus returns to earth and destroys the antichrist and his 200 million man army. The millennium will then begin. Satan will be chained for one thousand years and the Lord Jesus will rule and reign on the earth. When the millennium is over, satan will be released and deceive everyone who during the millennium served Jesus, but never accepted Him as Lord. This will quickly be dealt with by the Lord and eternity will begin. The devil is an evil pawn in the end time events.