Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 90

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 90

March 31;      Mark 12:17;       40/260(IV);        ‘Render to Caesar’

Mark 12:17 And Jesus answered and said to them,  "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they marveled at Him.

The Jews hated the Romans and wanted to be free from their control.  They thought the Lord Jesus would feel the same way and refuse pay taxes to the Roman government.  They were hoping to catch Jesus in His words for even though they did not want to submit to Roman, if Jesus didn’t, they would have reason to accuse Him.  As always, Jesus knew their hypocrisy and taught us a valuable lesson besides.  The Lord is the Author of authority.  He established authority to prevent chaos in this world.  As you read the Word you also see that the Lord set parameters around established authority.  First of all the Lord is the One who has set authority in place.  He tells us in the Word to pray for those in authority.  He does not tell us to pray for them if they are good or if we like them.  Our prayers are the only chance these leaders have to succeed.  The Lord can and will get ahold of their heart if we pray for them.  If, regardless of our prayers for those in authority, they remain arrogant and cruel, the Lord is well able to remove them and establish another in their place.  Good leaders are in an incredible position to bless and help the people they have authority over.  The Bibles says the people rejoice when their leader is good and fair.  The Word also tells us that we are to obey those in authority.  Again, authority is to prevent anarchy.  The Word teaches that if we conduct ourselves properly we do not have to fear those over us as they are in place to protect our lives.  Thank the police and military for their service for you.