Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 87

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 87

March 28;      Mark 9:27;       38/260(IV);        ‘Jesus’ Authority Over Demons’

Mark 9:27 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose.

 Jesus, Peter, James and John were coming down from the Mt. of Transfiguration.  A father whose son was demonically oppressed, was brought to Jesus.  He brought the boy to Jesus and when the boy saw Jesus, the demonic spirit in the boy convulsed him and he fell to the ground wallowing and foaming at the mouth.  Jesus asked how long the boy had been this way and the father told Him since childhood.  The demon often threw the boy into the fire or the water to kill him.  The father asked Jesus that if He could do anything to please help the boy.  Jesus turned the table on the man and said if he can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.  The father cried out and asked Jesus to help him with unbelief.  The man was honest.  Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and commanded the spirit to leave the boy and never return to him again.  The demonic spirit cried out, convulsed the boy and came out of the boy.  Our Lord always had authority over demonic spirits.  When they saw Him, they cried out, cringed and begged Him not to torment them before the time that was set for them to be eternally tormented.  The devil’s biggest weapon is fear.  If the demonic spirit or spirits could bring fear, than it is much harder for a believer to rid themselves or another of their presence.  Jesus is our Example and was always absolutely fearless when He faced one demon or thousands as in the case of the mad man of Gadera.  When Jesus rose from the dead, He humiliated satan and all of the demonic forces knew that Jesus is Lord.  Jesus gave us His authority over the demons and as long as we know this and live our lives in this manner, these spirits have to obey.  Jesus put satan under us.