Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 59

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 59

February 28;      Matthew 9:35;       9/260(IV);        ‘Living Large’

Matthew 9:35  Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Once you get serious with the Lord Jesus and it is easy to do if you are diligent to read the Word, pray and get involved in a local church, teaching, preaching and healing would be a dream come true. It is said that the gospels only cover about 27 days of Jesus’ ministry.  If this chapter is any indication of how busy each day of His ministry was, it is no wonder the Bible says that if they wrote books and told everything Jesus did, there would not be enough room to hold them.  His life was to be an Example for us to follow.  This tells me that if we keep our eyes open, asking the Lord to use us each day, pray for opportunities to share the Lord and pray for others, He will use us abundantly to minister.  Jesus would pray, sometimes all night and sometimes He would get up very early.  One of the things He would pray for was the anointing to minister in the towns that He would visit each day.  We are not Jesus, but as we reflect the love of Jesus and others observe us as we minister to others, people will begin to gravitate to us for prayer and help.  As time went on, no matter where Jesus went, the multitudes followed Him.  Our reputation may not impact as many as Jesus did, but if we are active in the church we attend, and sincerely look to be a blessing after we have prayed to be one, the Lord will open doors for us to minister and you will live large just like Jesus did.  The longer we live and the more things we see both natural and spiritual, the clearer it is to me that Jesus Christ and the things of the Lord are the only things that matter.  Nothing compares to leading someone to Jesus, seeing them get healed when you pray for them or encouraging them in Him.  Living large.