Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 54
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 54
February 23; Matthew 4:2; 4/260(IV); ‘Know Your Enemy’
Matthew 4:2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.
The Lord Jesus fasted for forty days and at the conclusion of those forty days He was obviously hungry. Jesus was the only one who fasted forty days. Moses didn’t eat for forty days, but He was in the presence of God. At the conclusion of Jesus’ fast, the first voice He heard was the devil’s. What I am saying is don’t fast for forty days. Many people have done this and hurt themselves spiritually. Here is the point I am making, satan challenged Jesus when the devil knew Jesus was weak from lack of food. The devil is not omniscient, he does not know what will happen. Obviously, because Jesus was who He was the devil had great interest in doing all he could to stop Jesus. As always, this literal story is a means to teach us. When you are weak in an area, like being hungry, demonic activity will often be there to challenge you. ‘If You are the Son of God’ was what satan said to Jesus. Jesus knew who He was, but many times Christians when they are challenged biblically, do not stand as firm on the Word as they should, resulting in hindered prayer. Jesus defended Himself with the Word of God. Again, this is a teaching account for us to learn and follow the Lord’s example. God’s Word stops the devil. This is why satan does everything he can to keep us away from the Word and this is why you must allow nothing to keep you away from the Word of God. Finally, when the devil could not prevent Jesus from using the Word of God against him, satan left. Be careful when weak, know the Word stop, satan.