Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 47

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 47

February 16;      Revelation 19:16;       257/260(III);        ‘Here He Comes’

Revelation 19:16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

During the seven year period called the tribulation and the great tribulation, in heaven the Old Testament saints and the church are rewarded for their faithfulness during their lifetime.   Believers are ‘married’ to the Lord.  The great tribulation is coming to a close and the Lord Jesus is about to ride His white horse from heaven to earth, to destroy the antichrist and his forces at the battle of Armageddon.  We, called the armies in heaven, will be clothed in white linen, representing righteousness will also ride white horses behind Jesus to the battle.  Those who have rejected Jesus have been deceived into believing their 200 million man army can defeat our Lord.  The Lord Jesus destroys the forces of the enemy with the Word of God proceeding from His mouth like a sword.  It is called a battle, but in reality it is a slaughter.  An angel in heaven summons the birds of prey to go to Megiddo to feast on the corpses of the antichrist forces.  We are riding with Jesus, but our part is to watch as our King of kings and Lord of lords annihilate the army of evil.  The devil and his hordes have never been a match for Jesus.  They have lied to the lost and those who are born again but do not know who they are in Christ, about their power.  We will be right there with Jesus.  Everything the Bible teaches about Jesus is true.  We, who are saved, and are serious about our fellowship with our Lord will be in awe of the power and majesty He wields.  The beast and the false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire. Please be sure you are on Jesus’ side.