Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 42
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 42
February 11; Revelation 14:13; 252/260(III); ‘Rest’
Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write: 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'" "Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them."
The events of the great tribulation are unfolding in dramatic fashion. The Lord Jesus is always endeavoring to reach and save more people during this horrific time. He is pouring out His wrath on the antichrist and his forces. The antichrist is demanding all people to take the mark of the beast. Unparalleled persecution and martyrdom are faced by the believers. In verse 13 the Lord speaks of the patience of the saints. It is very clear based on what the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are doing and Their determination to save multitudes, that believers can be patient. The great tribulation will have an end and martyrdom brings eternal life. Only Jesus Christ offers patience in times like this, Remember God’s patience means abiding under something. The born again believers can withstand the pressures the great tribulation brings. We have seen that there will be provision made for Christians during this time. Those who are martyred rest from their labors. Whatever efforts that will have to be made for a believer to remain alive during the great tribulation will cease at physical death. The antichrist will be able to take the lives of many Christians, but his inability to separate them from Jesus forever torments him. His hatred for the Lord is such that only eternal separation from the Lord satisfies him. Physical death will come swiftly and life with Jesus a life beyond comprehension in wonder will begin. Then forever with our Lord.