Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 39

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 39

February 8;      Revelation 11:13;       249/260(III);        ‘The Two Witnesses’

Revelation 11:13 In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Two witnesses suddenly appear to minister for 3.5 years, during the great tribulation.  Many believe these two men are Moses and Elijah because of the powers they have.  They are testifying about Jesus and are supernaturally protected and no one can harm them until they have finished their ministry.  The conclusion of their ministry is just about at the end of the great tribulation.  A demonic being called the beast kills them, but not before they finish their ministry.  The Lord is always in control.  The unsaved, with hardened hearts will rejoice that these witnesses have been killed.  The preaching of these two witnesses had to convict and fill with wrath those who still have rejected Jesus.  So great was the hatred of the lost for these two witnesses that they left their bodies in the street.  After 3.5 days, the witnesses were resurrected and taken to heaven in front of the terrified onlookers.  To add to the terror of the unsaved an earthquake almost simultaneously occurred.  Supernatural events like never before happening one after another as the Lord is still doing everything He can to draw those who have rejected  Jesus to this point.  It says in this verse that the people were afraid and gave glory to God.  Does it mean that they became born again.  Some must have called out to God.  Others were simply temporarily overwhelmed by the great power of the Lord.  Time is running out for those not yet saved to be saved. But the Lord never stops trying.