Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 364
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 364
December 30; Luke 10:2; 54/260(V); ‘The Harvest’
Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
The Lord Jesus commented on the harvest, not crops, people who need to be ‘gathered into the kingdom of God.’ The Lord Jesus said that the harvest was great. The number of people alive and who have been alive and who will be alive is staggering. The Lord knows and has plans for each of them. It surely is His will that all of them become Born Again. Jesus tells us to pray that ‘the Lord of the Harvest’ would send out laborers to lead the unsaved to Jesus. I believe the role of the Church in this verse is twofold. First, we should obey the verse literally and pray that the Lord would raise up great numbers of laborers to go share the gospel. We all have specific things the Lord created us to achieve for Him, but being a laborer, leading others to Jesus is His will for every Christian. As you pray for the laborers, thank the Lord that these laborers would be full of faith, the Word, the Holy Spirit and love. Second, we should tell the Lord that we volunteer to be a laborer He sends out into His harvest. Isaiah the Prophet knew there was much work to be done for the Lord, but he did not feel worthy. The Lord cleansed Isaiah, who after realizing this volunteered to do the Lord’s work. Once we become a Christian, we have no past, we have right standing with the Lord, let us, just like Isaiah tell the Lord, ‘here I am send me.’ If each of us do our share and lead others to Jesus, His holy work will be accomplished. We must do our part so that people do not go to hell. There is no greater joy than to lead someone to Jesus.