Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 360
Pastor Barry's "Chapter and Verse" Day 360
December 26; Luke 6:12; 50/260; ‘Jesus – A Man of Prayer’
Luke 6:12 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Throughout the gospels, many times we see the Lord Jesus praying. His time with the Father in prayer helped Him in many ways. His prayer life with His Father was for fellowship, unburdening His spirit from the attacks of religious leaders, and later in His ministry for strength to face what He knew was coming (ie Gethsemane). He also prayed to ‘recharge’ His spirit to minister. We also see that after praying all night, the first things Jesus did was select His twelve Apostles. Time with the Lord not only recharged His spirit, but He received vital direction for who would help Him fulfill His earthly ministry. As Born Again and Spirit filled Christians, prayer is an important time to receive direction for our lives and ministry, just as the Lord Jesus did. Jesus came down from where He was praying and not only taught the people, but the power of God was so strong upon Him, that those in need of healing had only to touch Him and they were healed. Jesus is our Example. Since our Lord needed time in prayer for direction and ‘recharging of the anointing,’ so do we. Additionally, just like Jesus, our prayer time is also for fellowshipping with the Father. The burdens and challenges of life confront all of us. As we spend time talking with the Lord, loving Him and asking Him to help us, the cares disappear and we are strengthened, knowing that the Lord is with us and will help us now and always. Jesus was a Man of prayer and so are we.