Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 344
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 344
December 10; Mark 6:6; 34/260; ‘Jesus Changes Lives’
Mark 6:6 And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching.
Jesus was ministering where He grew up. He ministered in the synagogue and amazed the people with His teaching. The people only knew Him as the carpenter and they became offended with Him. Jesus marveled because of their unbelief and did the only thing that could remedy the situation, He went to other villages and continued to teach. Isn’t it wonderful that no matter who you are, or what your past is, the Lord Jesus can and will turn you into a ‘spiritual superhero.’ I am not just saying that. Saul, who became the Apostle Paul was a religious zealot. He had an encounter with the Lord Jesus and Saul became the Apostle Paul. Once loved by religious leaders, now they tried to kill Paul. The Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit will change you and mature you into someone you maybe never dared to believe you could be. Once you become Born Again, no one can stop you from becoming strong in the Word and ministry. This is so important for you to know. No one can stop you from spending quality time in the Word, from praying and from learning of the power of the Holy Spirit who has come upon you when you become baptized in the Holy Spirit. People that know you may be confused and offended at first, but keep sharing the Word, walking in love and living who you have become. As time goes on, others will see how your ministry effects the lives of others in a positive manner. They will be drawn to the character of the Lord Jesus in you, your sincerity, the anointing of the Holy Spirit on you will amaze them and they will soon want what you have.