Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 343

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 343

December 9;      Mark 5:28;      33/260;      ‘Hear & Respond’

Mark 5:28 For she said, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well."

Faith never quits.  The woman with the issue of blood should not have been out in public, her disease prohibited her, and she could have been stoned to death.  She had this disease for twelve years, and was getting worse.  She had spent all of her money on doctors who could not help her.  Then she heard about Jesus.  Everything can and should change when we hear the good news about Jesus.  The Bible clearly teaches us all about the love God the Father has for us and the sacrifice on our behalf the Lord Jesus was willing to make.  Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes from hearing what the Bible says about our Lord.  Upon hearing that Jesus healed, she made the decision to find out where He was, go there and touch His clothes (she must have heard that He healed this way).  Though the Lord was surrounded by multitudes of people, she pushed through the crowd, touched His clothing and was healed.  The anointing to heal was upon Jesus and she dared to believe that power would heal her.  Her faith was determined and determined faith gets the job done.  This passage teaches that once you hear that Jesus heals, from the Bible, and the testimony of others, believe that it is true.  Purpose in your heart to do whatever the Bible says and receive the answer for your need.  There were multitudes surrounding Jesus.  She was the only healed by touching His garment.  The Bible says nothing about anyone else but this woman being healed.  If you do what God’s Word tells you to do, you will receive what the Word of God says is yours.  This woman did, so can you.  Hear and respond.