Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 341
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 341
December 7; Mark 3:11; 31/260; ‘Jesus terrorized Demons’
Mark 3:11 Whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God." NIV
Hollywood has it backwards and lies. Evil, demonic spirits (the bad guys), when they saw Jesus fell down before Jesus and said, “You are the Son of God.” I do not know why the movies would try to make us believe that evil is unstoppable and wins. Here’s a thought, since satan is the legal god of this world, he became that when Adam sinned and gave his authority to satan, of course the devil will try to deceive us and tell us how powerful he is. John 8:44 teaches that satan is a liar. If you do not know the Bible, you will not know that Jesus Christ defeated and humiliated the devil. Horror movies, deceiving us into thinking the devil is as powerful as God, can leave a false and fearful impression. The truth is, ‘Ultimate Good,’ which is Jesus, always wins. Jesus terrorizes those who try to terrorize us. The real Hero, is not some made up character in a fictitious movie. Jesus Christ is the Hero, the Word is true, Good has won and evil lost. Believe that, stand on that, never be afraid. Our adversary satan is a powerful angel, but Jesus took his authority away from him when Jesus rose from the dead. The devil is not omniscient, he does not know what you are thinking. He only knows if his lying thoughts are ‘getting to you’ by what you say or do. If you do not speak out of your mouth those lying thoughts inspired by the devil, they can never hurt you. In the Garden of Eden, Eve could have told the devil to shut up and leave. She had the authority to do so. Use your authority over demonic forces. Command them to shut up and leave. They have to and they will.