Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 339
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 339
December 5; Mark 1:35; 29/260; ‘Jesus’ Prayer Life’
Mark 1:35 Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed
One of the ‘secrets’ to the incredible ministry of the Lord Jesus was His prayer life. He arose long before daylight here, in this verse and sometimes the Bible records that He prayed all night. His prayer life greatly impacted His ministry. He loved His Father and though He was here on earth, He maintained His relationship with His Father by prayer. He needed fellowship with His Father to strengthen Him against the constant criticism of the religious leaders. He needed time in prayer for the Holy Spirit to empower Him for the day’s ministry. Time in prayer also helped Jesus with all of the decisions He needed to make. As he prayed, the Holy Spirit would give Him direction. Jesus told us that He only did and said what the Father told Him to. Remember a key to your Christian walk is to study the ministry of the Lord Jesus and to take His Example and do the same. Our success in life does not come by following the example of any man or woman, even if they have achieved great things. No one was more successful in life, nor a greater Example than the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus needed to spend quality time in prayer, so do we. A strong prayer life will help you deal with life’s challenges and empower you for ministry. Time with the Lord changes you and changes your attitude toward the circumstances you face. Intimacy with the Father, through prayer builds your faith and changes your life. Prayer enables you to look at life through the Lord’s eyes We have the privilege to make a profound difference on this earth by our ministry. Prayer, following the Example of Jesus plays and huge part.