Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 336
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 336
December 2; Matthew 26:53; 26/260; ‘Jesus Gave His Life’
Matthew 26:53 “Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?”
The multitude came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane. One of His disciples drew a sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the High Priest. As if we, as men, could help the Lord Jesus do what only He could do. Jesus said to His followers, do not resist, because He came for this very purpose, to die for our sins and sicknesses. The Lord Jesus Christ was about to go to the Cross to redeem humanity from the curse Adam brought upon us by his sin. The Lord Jesus let them arrest Him. He tells this disciple He could pray and the Father would send twelve legions of angels to destroy the mob that arrested Him. Think about how powerful an angel is. In the Old Testament, one angel slew 185,000 enemy soldiers. In John 18:6, when they came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane, He asked them who they were looking for. They said they were looking for Jesus. When He told them He was Jesus, the anointing that was on Him caused all of the mob to fall to the ground. No one could take Lord Jesus’ life…He freely gave it for us. Our salvation was at stake when He was arrested, mocked, brutalized and crucified. Jesus told us in John 6:38 that He came to do His Father’s will. Jesus would not give up His life until He accomplished everything He was sent to do. The final thing the Lord Jesus said on the Cross was, “It is finished.” Our salvation was secure. Jesus gave His life for us.