Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 332

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 332

November 28;      Matthew 22:33;      22/260;      ‘God Speaking to Us’

Matthew 22:33  “And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.”

The words of Jesus astonished the multitude.  John 1:1 tells us Jesus Christ is the Word of God. God’s Word is alive, it is supernatural. God’s Word is literally God speaking to us. The Word is unlike anything else on this earth.  Isaiah 55 teaches that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. That must be true for He is God. Telling us His thoughts and ways are higher than ours does us no good if we cannot know His thoughts and ways. The Bible, the Word of God, is Almighty God revealing His thoughts and ways to us. What an honor to know them. Not only is this an honor to know the Word, but it is also a responsibility to share God’s Word to those who do not know it. As Christians, always look for opportunities to share the Word of God with people. Nothing else compares to the Word and since it is God speaking to us, it always has an effect on people.  They may be blessed by what you say or they might be upset, but either way it makes an incredible impression on others. If they are blessed by what you share, the door is wide open to lead them to Jesus. If they are upset, pray for them that the Holy Spirit is convicting them and that the Word of God never returns void. Keep thanking the Lord that the Word is doing ‘its job,’ working on the spirit and soul of that individual. That Word ‘will continue to speak to them because it is authored by the Holy Spirit and is supernatural, having an effect on those who hear it. Trust the Lord, share the Word, extend the love of Jesus, and by faith watch what happens to those you have cared enough about to share God’s Word with.