Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 322
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 322
November 18; Matthew 12:37; 12/260; ‘The Power of Words’
Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
The words we speak are incredibly powerful. Genesis 1:26 tells us that we are made in the image of God. God the Father is a Spirit. We are spirit beings just like the Father. Jesus created everything, in the beginning, with His mouth (‘and God said…’). The Lord spoke what He wanted and not what He did not want. Both the Lord and the devil know the power of your words. The Lord wants you to understand this biblical principle and be blessed. The devil does not want you to understand this biblical principle and be cursed. Jesus wants you to speak what the Word says so that your life will be blessed. If you do not know what the Bible says, because you do not read it, you are an easy prey for the devil to put negative thoughts into your mind. Since the Bible teaches us to ignore those negative thoughts, if you don’t and speak them out, the words you speak about your circumstances will hurt you and your loved ones. Despite what horror movies depict, satan does not know what you are thinking, nor does he know the future. The only access he has to your life is through thoughts. Negative, demonic thoughts bombard us. If we react to them by fearful words or actions, we hurt ourselves. If we ignore the thoughts of the devil, knowing he is a liar, his efforts against us fail. Knowing the Word and speaking only what the Word says is incredibly important to a successful, blessed life. The only one who can ‘devil proof’ what you say is you. Since this is true, because this is what the Bible teaches, the decision to be diligent to spend quality time in the Bible for your protection should be easy.