Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 321
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 321
November 17, 2019; Matthew 11:30; 11/260(V); ‘My Yoke is Easy’
Matthew 11:30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Serving the Lord Jesus is not a burden, it is easy. What complicates our lives is sin, pride, a guilty conscience and selfishness. If you are Born Again, you have everything. All the world can offer is stuff and that stuff is constantly changing, leaving you never satisfied. Your new cellphone, computer or fashion is usually outdated before you use it or wear it. The Bible teaches that sin is alluring (Hebrews 11:25), but only for a season. Then that sin that tempted you, does what sin is designed by the devil to do, it brings misery and heartache. When you walk close to the Lord Jesus by His Word and fellowship with Him in prayer, the peace of God and faith in His provisions for you, brings a calmness and assurance that nothing this world offers can compare to. Living a holy life is not some religious obligation, it is a gift the Lord gives you. To wake up each day with peace of mind and sense the presence of the Lord with you all day is such a gift. Living right, puts you in a position to be used mightily by the Lord. It is not some legalistic code of behavior, but willingly living in line with the Word of God out of love and respect for the Lord Jesus. Sin greatly hinders your ministry due to guilt and an awareness of a lifestyle not in line with God’s Word. The ‘adventure’ of looking for opportunities to share the Lord and manifest the power of the Holy Spirit to those that are hurting, brings a ‘high’ that nothing the world offers can come close to. Living the life we were created to live, it doesn’t get any better than this. Jesus called it abundant life and it is.