Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 302
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 302
October 29; Revelation 14:6; 252/260; ‘Angels Preaching’
Revelation 14:6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth — to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people —
Nowhere else in the Bible is it recorded that angels preached. During the tribulation, a time like no other, the Lord ‘pulls out all of the stops’ to reach the unsaved. The scope of the preaching of the angels is for everyone who dwell on the earth. They will be sharing to every nation, tribe, tongue and people, meaning everyone alive on the planet earth during these extremely challenging seven years. The Bible clearly teaches that the Lord is not willing that anyone perishes and that desire of the Father never changes. Three angels will be circumnavigating the earth. The first angel (verse 7) will be telling the inhabitants of the earth to worship the Lord and give Him glory. This is a time of judgment and to worship Him who created everything. The second angel (verse 8) will declare that Babylon is fallen. Babylon in the Old Testament was a symbol of idolatry, the occult and immorality. Babylon represents the world generation after generation. The Father has judged this anti God system and will pour out His wrath upon those who remain in the world. The third angel (verses 9-11) implores those on the earth not to take the mark of the beast and continues to say that if they do they will be eternally separated from the Father. Think of the ‘advertising’ of these angels. The Word of God does not tell us how long these angels will be preaching, but since they will be going around the world with their incredibly important messages, think of how they will thwart the lies of the antichrist. Jesus is always Lord.