Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 301

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 301

October 28;   Revelation 13:17;      251/260(IV);      ‘Pressure’

Revelation 13:17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The antichrist and other demonic ‘henchmen’ have control of the economic system.  No one will be allowed to buy or sell unless they receive the mark of the beast.  The antichrist who deceived the world at the beginning of the tribulation, as a man of peace, has now revealed himself as a ‘child of the devil.’  Fierce persecution is brought upon those who will not receive the mark of the beast.  Signs and wonders will be occurring, but they will be demonically inspired, not inspired by the Lord.  satan and those who follow him will perform lying miracles to deceive those who have not accepted Jesus as of yet.  This is why new age, séances and the like are so spiritually dangerous.  They open vulnerable people to the counterfeit supernatural.  The Lord will protect those who will not accept the mark of the beast.  Chapter 12 tells us that there will be places to go where there will be provision.  The antichrist will boast that he is god, supernatural occurrences will seemingly confirm this, but the character and nature of the antichrist and those who follow him will be cruel.  In Acts 7, the religious leaders stoned Stephen.  Before he died, he saw heaven and the Lord Jesus awaiting him.  The Bible tells us that Stephen fell asleep (Acts 7:60).  I said that to say that if those who become Christians during the tribulation are martyred, the Lord will be there to help them as He did Stephen.  Jesus Christ is always there for us and will help us in any and every difficult situation.  Jesus Christ, not the devil wins. Horror awaits the enemies of God.