Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 295
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 295
October 22; Revelation 7:14; 245/260(IV); ‘Alive Forevermore’
Revelation 7:14 And I said to him, "Sir, you know." So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Our physical life here on earth is temporary, just a small blip on eternity. John sees a multitude before the throne of God, arrayed in white robes. One of the 24 elders asks John who they are and John says that the elder knows. The elder then tells John that they are martyrs, who were martyred during the great tribulation. The great tribulation is associated with the final three and one half years of the seven year tribulation period. It will be then that the antichrist reveals his true identity as the servant of satan. He will demand everyone to worship him and receive a mark on their forehead or hand, called the mark of the beast. Those who will not worship the antichrist will be killed. After the rapture of the church, many who were not born again, will accept Jesus, when they realize that what the Christians told them about Jesus coming in the sky and calling the church, Christians home, was true. Many more will be born again during the tribulation as angels preach, one hundred forty four thousand Jewish evangelists preach and Moses and Elijah return and preach. Jesus, not satan, pours out His wrath on a Christ rejecting world, with the intent that those who have long rejected Jesus will believe when they see what He does, that He is the way, the truth and the life and get saved. Those who accept Jesus will know not to take the mark of the beast. They will be persecuted and many will be killed. As I have said, I believe the Lord will help them face and experience death, a brief period of pain, then forever with Jesus.