Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 288
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 288
October 15; Jude 1; 238/260(IV); ‘The Bondservant’
Jude 1 Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ:
Jude was Jesus’ half brother. He was a biological son of Joseph and Mary. Jude did not believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus until Jesus rose from the dead. It was not Jude’s biological relationship with Jesus that gave his authority, rather the fact that Jude was a bondservant of Jesus. Bondservant means one who gives himself wholly to another’s will. Once Jude comprehended who Jesus Christ was, he wholeheartedly served the Lord and became a leader in the church. Once a person understands that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, what Jesus did for them and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, every believer is then called to serve Jesus in whatever capacity He leads them in. The logical path for a Christian once they are born again, is to find a local church they feel led to, get involved and seek direction from the Lord concerning fulfilling His will for their life. If you sincerely want to serve the Lord and follow His leading, your life will be rewarding and a blessing to many others. Jesus Christ has a perfect will for your life. Since you will be the most productive and fulfilled when you know His will, the Lord will surely lead you in line with His will. In the case of Jude, he addresses Christians, those who are called. ‘Sanctified’ means set apart by the Lord for a specific purpose. ‘Preserved’ means that the power of the Lord is watching over someone and keeping them for that specific purpose. Jude, now a leader in the church addresses sincere Christians, set apart and kept for His work. That’s us.