Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 282
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 282
October 9; I John 2:25; 232/260(IV); ‘Eternal Life’
1 John 2:25 And this is the promise that He has promised us — eternal life.
One of the greatest fears, if not the greatest fear, is the fear of physical death. Hebrews 2:15 teaches that one reason Jesus Christ came and died for us was to release us from the fear of death, that the devil has always tormented humanity with. As you talk to Christians, it becomes very clear, that knowing that when they die physically, their spirit is instantly with Jesus, greatly removes the fear of physical death. Rev. John Wesley, many years ago, speaking of Christians, said ‘our people die well.’ The Apostle Paul, was persecuted incredibly for Jesus and the gospel. He desired to die physically and be with Jesus, which he said was far better. He also said, that if he lived, he lived for one reason, to share and teach others about Jesus Christ. I know that that is true for me as well. I no longer fear physical death, but I desire to live a long life here, so that I may help as many people as I can, to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The word ‘promise’ in this verse means a divine assurance of good. The Lord assures us of this truth, that if we are born again, we have eternal life. In I John 5:13, we are taught, that the Word of God was written to Christians, so that they would know that they have eternal life. Eternal life begins the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The word ‘life’ in this verse, means the life of God. As born again believers, we know that when we die physically we will instantly be in the presence of Jesus. Until then, we have God’s life now which is the best way to live.