Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse"" Day 281
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 281
October 8; I John 1:4; 231/260(IV); ‘Full Joy’
1 John 1:4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.
The Apostle John probably knew the Lord Jesus as well as anyone. He tells us in verses 1-3 that he heard the Lord teach and preach, he saw Jesus and was with Him and John‘s hands handled the Lord (he probably hugged Jesus as often and he could). John wrote that he handled Jesus for a specific reason. A group of false ministers, called gnostics, taught that Jesus was a spirit being when He was here on the earth and never had a body. If that had been true, Jesus could never have died for us and redeem us. By John saying he had handled Jesus’ body, he exposes the lie of the gnostics. John, in verse 2, tells us that Jesus was manifested in the flesh. John again states that he saw, bore witness and declares that Jesus, who alone gives eternal life had been forever with the Father and came as a Man to earth to set us free from sin and sickness. Yet again, in verse 3, John reiterates that he what he saw and heard Jesus do he shares with us so that we can have fellowship with John and in reality our fellowship is with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Because John had first hand information, being so close to Jesus, over and over he is saying I heard what He taught, I saw what He did and I am telling you that Jesus was everything and more than what you have heard. If you believe me, John goes on to say, and become born again, we will have fellowship with John (forever in heaven) and we have fellowship with the Father and Jesus. John seems to be so excited wanting everyone to know and fellowship with Jesus.