Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 274
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 274
October 1; I Peter 2:2; 224/260(IV); ‘Desire the Word’
1 Peter 2:2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,
Just as a newborn baby in the natural needs milk, so does a new Christian need the basic teachings of the Word of God. Just as milk helps a newborn baby to grow, the basic teachings of the Word of God give the new Christian the beginning foundation for them to grow spiritually. The Word of God is likened unto food in several scriptures. The word ‘desire’ in this verse is translated crave in several translations. I remember my sons as infants, how they were so excited when it was time to have a bottle of milk. That is the way the Lord wants us to feel about spending time in the Word. Just as a baby grows up, having been blessed by milk, we grow up spiritually blessed by the firm foundation the ‘milk of the Word’ put in us. Children, grow into teens who grow into adults and they need more than milk in their diet. Spiritually, we grow in a similar manor as a human being. We need the ‘meat’ of the Word of God, deeper truths that we can understand and build upon because of the foundation we have in the ‘milk of the Word.’ One reason we are taught to tithe in the Word is that the Pastor would be financially compensated and not have to work a secular job. In this manner, the Pastor would have ample time to study the Word and prepare ‘spiritual food’ (Malachi 3:10). With proper study time the Pastor is to serve the congregation messages that will equip the congregation to do the work of the ministry. Just as natural food gives energy, spiritual food strengthens the believer for the work of Jesus.