Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 241

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 241

August 29;     I Timothy 1:15;      191/260(IV);      ‘Saving Sinners’

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

The Lord Jesus came into this world to be an Example for us to follow.  His life reflecting the way He desires us to live.  Jesus also exemplified the power and authority of a Man anointed by the Holy Spirit.  Once the Lord returned to heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sins, to live in our spirit when we became born again and to empower us to continue the ministry of Jesus on this earth.  Even though all that has just been shared is true, the ultimate reason Jesus came into this world, was to save sinners from their sins.  Once Adam, who represented the entire human race sinned, his sin nature was passed down to us.   Since God the Father is holy, sin cannot be in His presence, making it impossible for mankind to be near or approach the Father.  Jesus came as a Man who could have sinned, yet didn’t.  His ‘Father’ was the Holy Spirit, so Jesus’ blood was pure, not defiled by the sin nature.  When Jesus went to the cross, He represented humanity.  The sinless Jesus became every sin of every person, who lived, was living at the time and would live.  The penalty for sin was paid for by Jesus.  Justice was satisfied.  Men and women could live forever in the presence of the Father when they accept the incredible sacrifice of love, Jesus manifested by His redemptive work on our behalf.  Paul, talking about sinners said, “of whom I am chief.”  He never forgot his past, persecuting Christians.  He had incredible gratitude for what Jesus did.  It is good to remember that you are loved and forgiven of your past by Jesus’ sacrifice.