Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 173
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 173
June 22; Romans 6:12; 123/260(IV); ‘Freedom From Sin’
Romans 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
The Lord Jesus loves us and would never tell us to do something that we could not do. Once we become a Christian, if we are serious with the Lord, we can overcome any lust to sin. Our born again spirit is alive unto the Lord and the Holy Spirit comes to live in our spirit. One of His Names is the Helper. He will help us overcome any sin that we have had trouble ridding ourselves of even after we were saved. The Holy Spirit deposits God’s love into our spirit when we become a Christian. God’s love enables us to overcome sins like unforgiveness, resentment and jealousy. The Word of God will renew your mind and help us to see who Jesus Christ is, His love for us and what He has done for us. We become righteous when we are born again. Our past sins are forgiven, forgotten and cleansed. The reality of God’s love and provision can make such an impact on us so that we can sincerely desire to make an effort to remove previous sinful ways and lusts. The Word of God renews our mind if we allow it to. The incredible truths taught can impact our mind to the degree that past sinful areas of our life become distasteful and offensive to our born again spirit. The previous power of sin can be stifled by our born again spirit and our mind renewed with the Word. This process may take a little bit of time, depending on how powerful the lure of sin was. The absolute truth is that if you are serious about the Lord, understand who Jesus Christ is and all He has done for you, you can refuse to obey the lust to sin and be free.