Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 158
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 158
June 7; Acts 19:18; 108/260(IV); ‘Testify of the Change’
Acts 19:18 And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds.
How wonderful it is to testify to others of everything the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you. Your testimony will have a powerful effect on those who hear it and see the genuineness of the difference Jesus has made in your life. So often people can relate to things you have been through, that Jesus delivered you from and it gives them hope that the Lord will deliver them as well. Very often when someone only knows you after you have become born again, they cannot fathom where you were and what Jesus saved you from. Again, when you share, anointed by the Holy Spirit, He can open their heart to believe and receive salvation. In verse 19, those who dabbled in the occult, once they accepted Jesus, wanted nothing to do with the demonic information that they were intrigued with. They burned the books and the value of the devil’s material was fifty thousand pieces of silver. Once you know the truth, get rid of everything the evil one tried to deceive you with. The ultimate goal of satan with his books is your destruction. Notice those who had owned those books burned them, not wanting anyone else to be taken in by the lies and incredible danger the books of the occult contained. The amount of money you may have spent on the deception of the devil, means nothing compared to the peace and life the Lord Jesus gives. If you have opened yourself to the demonic literature of the devil, you will have to spend some time renewing your mind with the Word of God. Over time you will replace the devil’s lies with God’s Holy Word.