Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 155
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 155
June 4; Acts 16:14; 105/260(IV); ‘Opening the Heart’
Acts 16:14 Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul.
Jesus said that the Word of God is truth. The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible. Jesus also said that if we continue in the Word, we will know the truth and the truth we know will make us free. The Word is supernatural. Lydia, as Paul shared the Word of God, the Holy Spirit opened her spirit to what Paul shared and she was born again. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit work together. Unless people hear the Word of God, the Holy Spirit has nothing to work with. We have the privilege and the responsibility to share the Word with people. It may start with your testimony, but then, always quote or read scripture with the person or persons. Bringing the unsaved to church is vital as well. The love of God, which many of those who are not yet born again have not experienced, begins to impact them in a powerful way. Plus much done before and during the services. The Word is preached to the believers to mature them to do the work of the ministry. The Pastors and members of the congregation pray for those who are not yet born again. Prayer is also made for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and for the anointing on the Praise & Worship team to ‘set the stage’ for the Word of God. God’s Word, ministered with the anointing of the Holy Spirit is incredibly powerful. Many have never heard the Word of God and the Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth of the Word and convicts the person of their need to be born again. Lydia’s heart was opened by the Word and the Lord to be saved. They need the Word.