Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 107
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day107
April 17; Luke 13:22; 57/260(IV); ‘The Faithful Teacher’
Luke 13:22 And He went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.
The time neared for the Lord Jesus to die for our sins and sicknesses. On His way to Jerusalem to fulfill what the Father sent Him to do, Jesus, the faithful Teacher, continued doing what He always did, once His ministry started, He taught the people. We have a certain amount of time on this earth to be productive. Once we become a Christian and realize the incredibly important role we can play, we, just like Jesus have the privilege to utilize our time to teach others about our Lord. It says in John 1:25 that if everything the Lord Jesus did in three and a half years were written down, there would not be enough room in the earth to contain the books. Making the best use of our time is so exciting and vital to me. I was not created to do nothing. I was not created in the image of the Lord to waste my time on trivial things. Once I am born again and begin to learn about Jesus, He gives me the great honor to represent Him, telling others about Him and ministering to them. Jesus does this for all of us. We are all ministers of reconciliation. We are all ambassadors for Christ. Perhaps you might say that you do not know enough about Jesus to share Him accurately or you are too shy. If you start by faith, the Holy Spirit will help you and the joy you experience ministering to someone will inspire you to learn more about Jesus or help you to overcome your shyness. Doing what Jesus did, ministering to others, will become the greatest desire of your heart since ultimately that is what we have been created to do.