Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 106
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 106
April 16; Luke 12:34; 56/260(IV); ‘Where Your Treasure Is’
Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The Lord Jesus is talking about our concerns for natural things like food and clothing. Worrying about such things gets us nowhere. The Lord uses an example of lilies, how they are so beautiful, yet no one cares for them, the Lord just clothes them with beauty that even all of Solomon’s glory could not compare to. Since Jesus loves even the flowers of the field so much and takes such good care of them, we never need to have a troubled mind about any natural need. Jesus goes on to tell us that what we should seek is His kingdom and when we do, everything else will be freely given to us. We are assured that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom (v32). Jesus now teaches us a very important truth. What we treasure, what is important in life to us is where our heart is, what we will spend our time doing. It is up to us to evaluate life considering the things of importance to us and their priority in our lives. A hobby you enjoy or something you really like doing is fine. The things of the Lord are eternally important. They bless you now in this life and they lay up eternal treasures for you in heaven. Learning what the Bible teaches concerning the Lord Jesus, and all He has done for us, will become the most valuable treasure in our life if we properly assess Jesus’ love for us and commitment to us. You can still do something that means something to you. The investment of your heart into the treasure of knowing Jesus and the privilege we have to continue Jesus’ work will open the true meaning of life to you.