Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Dasy 361
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 361
December 27; Luke 7:7; 51/260; ‘Understanding Authority’
Luke 7:7 Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.
A Roman Centurion’s servant was very sick. This was in Capernaum, a city where Jesus did many miracles. Obviously the Centurion heard about Jesus’ miracles and he sent Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal the servant. As Jesus neared the Centurion’s home, the Centurion sent friends saying Jesus didn’t have to come to his house, but all He had to do was speak a healing word and the servant would be well. How did the Centurion have such great faith? He understood authority. As a soldier he knew that he had to obey the orders of the military officers over him and he also could tell the soldiers under him to do things and they had to do it. Knowing of Jesus’ miracles he concluded Jesus was God had the authority to heal and he never doubted when Jesus spoke healing, it would happen. The Centurion is a very powerful lesson to us. The Name of Jesus is the highest Name and all authority is His. Jesus gave us back the authority that Adam forfeited to the devil when he sinned. Now, we are to minister, using that authority just as the Lord Jesus did. Since we have been commissioned by the Lord Jesus to continue His work, He had to equip us to be successful. Jesus gave us power of attorney to use His Name. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit’s anointing power to preach, teach and heal. Jesus gave us His authority, to be able to command sickness and the relentless attacks of the devil to leave. Never look at who you are in the natural. By the authority given to us by the Lord Jesus, we are life changers for everyone we have the privilege of ministering to.