Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Dasy 320

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 320

November 16;   Matthew 10:35;   10/260;   ‘It Starts Here’

Matthew 10:35 For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'

When you first read this verse, you have to wonder if this is Christianity.  Christianity is supposed to bring peaceful and loving relationships.  What the Lord Jesus is saying is that quite often when someone gets saved, the other members of the family become upset (“our religion is not good enough for you?” etc.).  Quite often, for a while those who become Born Again are ostracized.  In the case of becoming a Christian and turning from a different religion, serious consequences can occur.  Jesus sees everything through the eyes of faith and He has great faith that if you, the Born Again Christian, will walk in love and conduct your life in line with God’s Word, the other family members will see the reality of your salvation and desire it for themselves.  We play a huge role in the salvation of family and friends.  Their initial misunderstanding and their negative reaction will change.  Do not compromise the Word.  Show your family your commitment to Jesus Christ.  Make church a priority.  Come to Sunday functions after church.  This sends home the message loud and clear that Jesus Christ is the priority of your life.  Love them with the love of God.  That love never fails.   Treat your family members kindly regardless of how they treat you and one by one they will follow you into a relationship with Jesus Christ.  An unswerving commitment to the things of the Lord and a Christlike character will get the job done. The things of God are infinitely better than anything the world offers.  They will see Jesus in you and in time, want Him in their own life.