Pastor Barry 's "Chapter & Verse" Day 225
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 225
August 13; Philippians 1:12; 175/260(IV); ‘What an Attitude’
Philippians 1:12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,
The Apostle Paul has told us in Philippians 4:11 that he had learned to be content in whatever circumstances he found himself in. Those were not idle words. Paul lived what he taught. Not only was he content in the circumstances he faced, but because he had such a good attitude while he was going through the circumstances, it was an incredible witness to the unsaved and the saved alike. What Paul was talking about in this verse was that he maintained a joyful attitude while in chains. A well known Bible scholar, teaching about Paul as he wrote the Book of Philippians tells us that not only was Paul chained, but he spent a great deal of time in that underground jail up to his waist in sewer water. Your attitude for the better or worse has a powerful impact on others. Verse 13 teaches that the palace guard were incredibly impressed by Paul’s attitude in these circumstances. When the world would have a terrible attitude going through what Paul did, his joyful character made a very strong impact on those soldiers. They had to see that Paul lived by what he believed. Verse 14 teaches that his attitude had a powerful effect on the Christians as well. If Paul could be joyful in circumstances that were horrendous, they could be emboldened to share the gospel with others without fear. How could Paul be so positive? Surely it was his walk with Jesus. He knew the Word, the Holy Spirit used him to write powerful truths. He was a man of prayer and had close fellowship with Jesus. What an amazing example Paul gave us.