Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 27
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 27
January 27; John 14:30; 82/260; ‘Nothing in Me’
John 14:30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.
The Lord Jesus is nearing the end of His earthly ministry. The ‘ruler of this world’ is satan. He is the legal god of this world, becoming that when Adam sinned and relinquished his authority to the devil. The devil, through Herod tried to kill Jesus as a Baby. Joseph, Jesus’ ‘father’ was warned in dreams and told how to protect Jesus. When Jesus’ ministry began, after Jesus was water baptized and the Holy Spirit came upon Him to empower Him, satan, in the wilderness did everything he could to make Jesus sin. Our Lord defended Himself with the Word. What did Jesus mean when He tells us that the devil has nothing in Him? Jesus was righteous. There was nothing He did that the devil could condemn Him for. He never sinned. All of the blessings Deuteronomy 28 teaches that belong to whoever does not sin, belonged to Jesus. We know that Jesus went to the cross without sin and took the sins of humanity upon Himself. The blessings that legally belonged to Him because He did not sin, were given to us. Additionally, Jesus righteousness, His right standing with His Father, He gave to us when we become born again. Our past sins are forgiven, forgotten and cleansed. We can now say to the devil, when he tries to condemn us for our past, that ‘you have nothing in us.’ Righteousness is our ‘license’ to serve. We do not have to listen to the lies of satan telling us we are not worthy to do the work of the ministry. Our Lord Jesus made us worthy. Confidently tell the devil, just as Jesus did, that he has nothing in you.