Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 21
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 21
January 21; John 8:2: 76/260; ‘The Norm’
John 8:2 Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.
As I read this verse, it reminded me of a normal Sunday morning. ‘All the people’ coming to Jesus in church to be taught by Him. Jesus is no longer here teaching the Word, but the Bible teaches us that Jesus is the Word. When the Pastor teaches us the Word it really is Jesus teaching through the Pastor. I cannot think of a more natural Christian scenario than this. Families going to a Bible believing, Spirit filled church, where their children, their teens and they will be taught the Word of God. Jesus tells us that by continuing in the Word we will know the truth (God’s Word is truth John 17:17), and the truth we know will make us free, What could be more important than knowing God’s truth in a world that will try to drum into you their version of truth. What about vacations and programs we want our children to be involved in like other children. Vacations are important and I am not talking about taking your family away for a week or two. Full seasons of sports on Sunday mornings or other long term programs that cause prolonged out of church periods does three things. It tells your children church is not as important as sports or other programs. It tells adults, who know you are a Christian, that church is not as important as what you are involved in. Again if it is a sports season for your children, it helps your children to be just like the other non-Christian children. Do you really want that? Sports and other interests are good and to be enjoyed. Church was ordained by the Lord to bless and help your family.