Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 361
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 361
December 25; 2 Corinthians 10:17; ‘Glory in the Lord’
2 Corinthians 10:17 But "he who glories, let him glory in the LORD."
What an incredible truth is taught in this verse. Everything we have and everything we can do has been given to us by the Lord (I Corinthians 4:7). As long as we acknowledge that, we can be used mightily by the Lord. The Lord Jesus tells us in John 15 that without Him we can do nothing. He is not trying to humiliate us, but teach us the spiritual realities of the anointing, the ability to teach the Word and minister are all gifts from Him to bless us and others. The truth is that any gifting, spiritual or natural were given to us by our Lord. He gave us the mind to learn. He gave us the determination to work hard in any endeavor He calls us to. He gave us the skills to accomplish what He ordained us to do. Jesus knows the misery and futility pride can bring to your life. Believing that everything you have and can do is a result of your efforts is so dangerous. The devil, our mortal enemy, tries very hard to get us to believe the Lord had nothing to do with our success in life. satan does this so that he can deceive you into believing that you are responsible for who you are and what you can do. He knows that if that is the case, eventually the character flaw of pride produces a life that leads to ruin. Pride is a position where God cannot help us, since pride does not believe it needs any help from the Lord or anyone else. Pride got satan banished from heaven and produced in him eternal hatred and future eternal punishment. Always give the Lord honor and glory, thanking Him for all He created you to be and the gifts He has put inside of you.