Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 342

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day342

December 6;        I Corinthians 6:14;            ‘He’ll Raise Us Up’

1 Corinthians 6:14 And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power.

This chapter is dealing with living right, especially fleeing sexual immorality (v18).  The Lord who created us, put the desire for intimacy in us.  He also put parameters around our sex drive and intended it to be fulfilled in marriage (I Corinthians 7:9).  The devil, knowing we have a strong sex drive, has done everything he can to ‘legitimize’ sexual relations outside of marriage.  He does that to cause us to sin, so that we greatly hinder what the Lord has called us to do.  Sin hinders our prayers and our walk with the Lord.  Knowing there is a powerful desire for intimacy, satan does all that he can to get us to believe in evolution.  If we are merely animals as evolution would teach, than our sexual needs are merely animal instincts needing to be met.  If an immoral lifestyle is your desire, saying you believe in evolution, trying to make yourself believe this lie, in a sense then justifies sinful behavior.  Right in the middle of this chapter the Lord puts verse 14 in for us to ponder.  One day, if you are a Christian, you will be raised up by the power of the Lord.  It could be when you pass on or at the rapture of the church.  We will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to be rewarded for fulfilling the ministry He has called us to fulfill.  If you are a sincere Christian, you surely desire for Jesus to be pleased with what we did on the earth.  “Well done My good and faithful servant” is what we long to hear.  If this really is of great importance to you, you will govern your behavior and control your sexual desire while you are here.