Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 340

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day340

December 4;        I Corinthians 4:20;            ‘The Kingdom of Power’

1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.

The Lord backs up what He teaches us in the Word with power.  Romans 1:16 tells us that the Gospel is ‘the power of God unto salvation.’  When a person hears the Gospel and believes that Jesus Christ is who the Word tells us that He is and that person becomes born again, the power of God recreates the spirit of that person, as they go from spiritual death to spiritual life.  In one of the passages of scripture we call the Great Commission, Jesus, our risen Lord commands the disciples and us to preach the Word, speak in tongues, cast out demons and heal the sick.  In Mark 16:20, when the disciples began their ministry, in obedience to the Lord, the Bible tells us that the Lord worked with them and confirmed the Word with signs (power).  Abraham’s faith in what the Lord told him about becoming a father at his age of 100, empowered his body to have a son.  The Holy Spirit came upon the Lord Jesus when He, a Man, was water baptized.  Then the power of the Holy Spirit would flow through Jesus, producing miracles, signs and wonders.  That power, the power of the Holy Spirit, to continue the ministry of Jesus, also empowers Christians, when they become baptized in the Holy Spirit.  The supernatural power of the Lord permeates the Word of God.  The Word of God clearly teaches us what legally belongs to us as Christians and the power of God causes the blessings that we are told we have, to manifest in our life.  Thank God for the Word. It combines with the power of God to make what the Word says a reality.