Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 334
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 334
November 28; Romans 14:19; 131/260; ‘Peace & Edification’
Romans 14:19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.
Chapter 14 of Romans teaches that some Christians believed it was wrong to eat certain foods while other Christians did not believe this. Paul, by the Spirit of God is saying in this verse, ‘do not major on minor things, nor allow those minor things to cause spiritual harm to a fellow Christian.’ There are the basic truths that make us born again Christians and these truths cannot be altered. There are many things taught by churches or denominations that are really not important to your salvation and are not worth ‘injuring’ another believer over. I did a Bible Study many years ago and the majority of those who attended believed Mary, the mother of Jesus was divine. They were legitimately born again, but added Mary’s divinity to what they believed. I did not argue with them as it would have caused them to leave the Bible Study. I encouraged each of them to ask the Lord to show them the truth and to diligently search the Word for themselves. When they did this, each of them came to the conclusion that they were wrong and though Mary was wonderful, she was not divine. They remained in the Bible Study, several joined our church and I was able to edify, build them up in the truth, because I would not argue or treat them unkindly. Love never fails and if we do not cruelly correct someone about areas that do not affect their salvation, they will learn the truth if they are treated right and encouraged to check the Word of God for giving clarity to the issue under consideration. The Word taught accurately will clarify everything.