Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 333
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 333
November 27; Romans 13:3; 130/260; ‘Live Right, No Fear’
Romans 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.
How true this verse is. If I choose to live in line with the Word of God and obey the ‘laws of the land,’ I never have to be concerned about being in trouble with authorities. I have a friend who one day, many years ago, decided he was not going to file tax returns anymore. He lived in dread that one day men from the IRS would show up at his house and talk to him about this. One day they did. How much better is it to wake up each morning knowing that you obey the law and when the phone rings there is no one who will tell you that you are in trouble for something. If you see a police officer, wave to him and if he stops thank him for his ‘service.’ Every year, we have an “Egg Hunt” the day before Resurrection Sunday. We have this event at a town park and it is required that a police officer be there. We have hundreds of children come and the police officer always tells us how smoothly the event goes, with everyone following instructions being courteous. That is what the verse is saying about receiving praise from those in authority. More than anything, we represent Jesus Christ. That is the greatest honor anyone could ever have. It is also a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a manner that will bring glory to the Lord and peace to our lives. The jobs of those in authority often is difficult and challenging. Dealing with people, especially if they are not Christians is not easy. For peace and quiet in our lives and living in a manner that glorifies Jesus and is a witness to those in authority, doing it God’s way is always best.