Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 332

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day 332

November 26;        Romans 12:4;          129/260;        ‘One Body, Many Jobs’

Romans 12:4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,

The genius of God at work.  The Lord has made each of us different.  We all have different things that we enjoy doing and do well.  Very often those are the very things He calls us to do in the local church we attend.  The key is this, what you do, your ministry in a local church, has an eternal impact on others and you are ministering as unto Jesus.  What you do with the talents the Lord has given you can change the lives of others forever.  You may like children and enjoy being with them.  In a church, there are all kinds of ministries that are geared towards children.  Think of this, they, have not lived half of their lives or more, they have 70 or more years ahead of them to serve the Lord Jesus and change the world.  The impact an anointed member of a church can have on a child forever is so vital.  You may be musically inclined or love to sing and you sing well, use these talents for Jesus.  Music was created by God to worship Him.  The devil has perverted music, but sincere worship played or sung by those who love Jesus blesses the entire congregation and opens their spirit for the Word to change and help them.  Believers good at business can be a huge blessing, helping to organize areas of a church, so that the church can function decently and in order.  Those handy are always needed, for the countless things that must be done to keep the church looking as it should.  These are only a few areas that Christians can use the talents given them by God and things they love to do that make a church what it is called to be for Jesus.