Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 330

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day 330

November 24;      Romans 10:13;        127/260(IV);      ‘Whoever Calls’

Romans 10:13 For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." 

The Bible clearly teaches that God the Father loved the entire world and sent the Lord Jesus to save us from our sins and sicknesses.  The Bible also tells us that there is no partiality with the Father.  This verse proves that.  Salvation comes through the Lord Jesus and no one else.  Everything in the Word is written to point us to Jesus, so that we can call upon Him for our salvation.  For example, the innocent blood of animals was shed for the sins of the guilty Jews.  Israel was a type of the Church, teaching that Jesus’ innocent blood would be shed for everyone and those who believe this truth, and call on the Name of Jesus would be saved.  David, in Psalm 23 teaches us that the Lord is our Shepherd.  Jesus tells us in John 10, that He is the Good Shepherd and the Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep (us).  Isaiah 53, 700 years before the crucifixion, tells us that the Messiah (Jesus) would bare our sins and sicknesses upon Himself and that we would be forgiven and healed.  Salvation comes by Jesus Christ and no one else.  Romans 10 tells us that the unsaved cannot be saved until someone tells them the good news about God the Father’s love and provision for humanity through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on their behalf.  That someone is us.  We have the honor to share the Gospel with the lost.  There is no greater joy in life than to clearly, accurately and kindly share the truth of God’s Word with someone not yet saved. When they believe what is shared and call on Jesus, they are saved and we are blessed.